Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Red Bell Pepper Hummus

1 (16oz.) can of garbanzo beans.  Save liquid.
1 Lge. red bell pepper.
1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of kosher salt (regular table/iodized salt)
1/4 tsp. cumin (toasted cumin seeds or powder)
1/4 Cup extra-virgin olive oil.
Lemon juice  (from 1/2 lemon approx.)
Black Pepper.
2 Tbsp. Tahini  (sesame paste)
※Tahini:   Sesame paste. There is a Chinese product equivalent to tahini. This paste is similar to peanut butter, but instead of peanuts, sesame seeds are used.
※Kosher Salt:  Salt used by Jewish people. It's less salty and more pure. Used by many fine restaurants and people who like cooking with fine ingredients.)

Roast the red bell pepper and remove stem and seeds of the red bell pepper. Cut in chunks. Toast cumin seeds until it becomes highly fragrant, about one minute. Put all ingredients in a blender, using 1/4 cup of liquid from garbanzos. Puree until smooth. Adjust liquid, salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
Serve. (You can use it as a sandwich spread, in a wrap, or as a dip.  You can even use it as a sauce for pasta.)